The Pavilion, Beckenham Sports Club 
Foxgrove Road, Beckenham BR3 5AS 
Tel: 020 8658 9009
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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Terms & Conditions



At Kia Mena we operate an inclusion and equality policy and ensure that all children have access to nursery places and services irrespective of their gender, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation of parents.

We are open, 43 weeks per year, Monday to Friday mornings and afternoons. We also run breakfast, lunch time and after school sessions from Monday to Friday.  

Children are expected to attend a minimum of four sessions. In special circumstances the pre-school may allow a child to attend three sessions for their first term but they are expected to increase to at least four sessions. If a parent is unable to confirm which extra session they would like, the pre-school reserves the right to allocate extra sessions and invoice accordingly. 



On receipt of a completed registration form, your child will be placed on the waiting list.   Places are offered during the term before your child is due to start and on being offered a place at the pre-school, a £150 deposit will be requested which will be refunded when your child leaves providing a term’s notice has been given.  

Please note places are offered according to the date the application is received.  Priority is given to parents with siblings already attending Kia Mena.

Prior to a child attending Kia Mena Montessori Pre-school, parents must:

⦁provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate,

⦁complete and sign a copy of the Parent Contract – stating the hours your child attends. This is an agreement to allow us to claim the government funded place.

⦁Complete and sign our on-line form.  This form indicates your agreement to our terms and conditions and provides the setting with personal details relating to the child. For example, name, date of birth, address, emergency contact details, parental responsibilities, dietary requirements, collection arrangements, fees and sessions, contact details for parents, doctor’s contact details, health visitor contact details, allergies, parental consent and vaccinations etc.

All information that we hold complies with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018).  Please see further information below.

Times and Venue

The pre-school is open for 43 weeks of the year and operates, term time only, 5 days a week, from 9.15 am to 4.30 pm. Sessions can be extended to include breakfast club and after school club.

Please try to arrive five minutes early when dropping off and collecting your child. It can be disruptive for both your child and the other children already in the pre-school when children are coming in once the session has started. If you are collecting your child early please do this either before 12.00 pm or before 4.00 pm so that circle time is not disrupted.

Please let us know if someone else is picking up your child on any day. If somebody comes to collect your child and we have not been informed of this we will keep your child in the pre-school until we have made contact with you. 

Lunch time sessions run from 12.30 pm to 1.15 pm.  Children may therefore stay for lunch following a morning session, arrive at lunch time prior to an afternoon session or stay for the whole day from 9.15 am until 4.30 pm.

The pre-school is situated in the Pavilion, Beckenham Sports Club, Foxgrove Road, Beckenham, BR3 5AS.

The telephone number is 020 8658 9009.  There is an answer phone for out of hours calls. We can also be contacted via Whatsapp 07310771632.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club runs every morning from 8.15 am to 9.15 am.  Children are offered cereal, toast and fruit and a choice milk or water to drink.  Breakfast club costs £12.00 per session and will run subject to demand.

After School Club

After School Club runs on a Monday -Thursday afternoon from 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm.   Children will be given a further snack during this session. After school club costs £12.00 per session and will run subject to demand.

Fees and Funding

We provide government funded places – 2 year old funding, universal funding for 3/4 year olds (15 hours) and extended entitlement for 3/4 year olds (30 hours).   All funded sessions are in line with the Government’s Statutory Guidance and Local Authority requirements. When you register your child for their funded place we will discuss your needs, and as far as possible with availability and staffing arrangements we will accommodate your wishes.  We will try to accommodate your required hours and any changes you may wish to make but this should be booked in advance.  Further information regarding allocation of funding can be found on our funding advice sheet.

The current fees payable from April 2024 to April 2025 are as follows: 

Children under 3

The fee for children up to and including the term of their 3rd birthday is £27.50 per 3¼ hour session. 

There are 2 types of funding available for 2 year olds:

1.Together for 2’s

This is available to parents receiving additional government funds such as universal credit. 

This can be applied for via Bromley Council:

2.2 year old working families

This is available to parents who are working more than 16 hours a week and earning less than £100,000 each a year. 

This can be applied for via Childcare Choices:

We have been advised that extended funding will be available from September 2025.

This can be applied for via Childcare Choices:

Funding is offered at a rate of 2.65 hours per session across the 43 weeks that we are open up to a maximum of 5 sessions per week - either morning or afternoon. A charge of £9.50 is made for the remainder of each 3¼  session.

Funded sessions are available from 9.15-11.55 and 1.50-4.30pm. Parents wishing to take funded only sessions will be entitled to do this from 1.50 pm - 4.30 pm.   

Children aged 3 and over (the term after their 3rd birthday)

All children are eligible for the universal Free Entitlement, up to 570 hours a year from the term after their 3rd birthday.  At Kia Mena this is available for 2.65 hours per session for up to 5 sessions a week, 43 weeks per year.  The parents whose children receive funding and attend for the full 3¼ HOURS will pay £13.25 for the additional time.  

An extended entitlement, up to 570 hours a year, is available to parents who meet the required criteria and is available for an additional 2.65 hours funding per session for the remaining 5 sessions a week. This extended entitlement needs to be applied for by parents through the website -  As with the universal funding, parents whose children receive funding and attend for the full 3¼ HOURS will pay £13.25 for the additional time.  

Where parents are not eligible to receive the extended entitlement, children who attend more than 5 sessions per week will be charged £27.50 for each additional session.

Funded sessions are available from 9.15-11.55 and 1.50-4.30pm. Parents wishing to take funded only sessions will be entitled to do this from 1.50 pm - 4.30 pm. Morning funded only sessions are available to parents receiving extended entitlement and attending all 5 afternoon sessions.

Breakfast club costs £12.00 per session and will run where there are a minimum of two children attending.

After school club costs £12.00 per session and will run Monday - Thursday when there is sufficient demand.

Snacks – We provide a wide variety of snacks, including fresh fruit and vegetable, a dip and a carbohydrate and milk or water to drink during both our morning and afternoon sessions.  We make a small charge of £1.50 per week for this. This charge is added to your invoice each term.  Any parent not wishing to pay this fee should request information from the manager regarding bringing in consumables.

Lunches are charged at £7.50 per session (children bring their own packed lunch).

Payment of Fees

All fees are payable in advance.  No fees are refundable in the case of absence including sickness or holidays or closure of the pre-school due to adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.  Bank Holidays are taken into consideration when invoices are sent out.  Fees are subject to change annually.


Fees are due on or before the first day of each term. The preferred method of payment is by bank transfer. Our bank details are attached to all invoices. 

We also accept child care vouchers but would appreciate it if parents could make sure that they monitor their payments carefully.

If you wish to pay in instalments a payment plan needs to be agreed in writing before the start of each term.

Late payment of fees will result in an additional administration charge of £8.00 per day. This includes late payment of agreed payment plans.

Non-payment of fees will result in a referral to our Solicitors.

The pre-school reserves the right to remove a child from our register if necessary.

Notice Period

Once your child starts at Kia Mena, we assume they will be remaining at the pre-school until they leave to go to primary school. In this case, notice does not need to be given.

At all other times, if you wish to remove your child from the pre-school, 12 weeks, term time, notice needs to be given in writing otherwise a FULL term’s fee will be charged.  For children receiving funding, this fee will also include the amount of funding that we would have received if your child had attended for that term.

Please note that school holidays are not included as part of the notice period. 

Altering Sessions

Please let us know up to two weeks before the end of term should you wish to make any changes for the following term. If you wish to change your child’s sessions with immediate effect or after the cut-off date, an administration fee of £25 will be added to your invoice.

If you wish to add on a session as a one-off, this should be agreed in advance subject to availability.  We do not allow sessions to be swapped. We cannot claim funding for one off sessions.


Please notify the pre-school by 10.00 am if your child is absent for any reason. You can contact us via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), phone (020 8658 9009), Whatsapp (07310771632) or My Montessori Child. For safeguarding reasons, if we do not hear from you we will contact you straight away.  If we cannot make contact we will then call your emergency contacts.

Parents are asked to keep their children at home if they are unwell and to inform the pre-school so that we will be able to alert other parents as necessary.

Parents must not bring any child into the pre-school who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 48 hours after the final attack.


If you think you may be late picking up your child from their booked session, please contact the pre-school as soon as possible.  You can contact us via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), phone (020 8658 9009), Whatsapp (07310771632) or My Montessori Child.  

If a parent is more than 5 minutes late then they will be telephoned. In the event that they are unable to be contacted, then emergency numbers will be rung after 15 minutes.

After 30 minutes, if the child has still not been picked up then the relevant bodies will be contacted i.e.Social services, Ofsted and Early Years.

Parents who are late in picking up their children more than once a term will be invoiced for late fees. The charge for late fees is £10.00 for each 10 minute period from the end of a child’s booked session.

Emergency Contacts

It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to update emergency contact numbers.


We provide all children with their own labelled water bottle each time they attend Kia Mena.  There is no need for children to bring any other drinks to pre-school.


Parents must provide a suitable healthy packed lunch for their child. The pre-school operates a strict nut free policy.

Lunches should be brought in a robust container preferably a ‘cool bag’ type and be clearly labelled. Any cutlery e.g. spoon for yoghurt, should be provided in the lunch box.  We are not able to offer refrigerated storage for food or heat food.

Should a child arrive without their lunch, we will first contact a parent to see if a lunch can be brought in. If this is not possible, a member of staff will purchase a lunch the cost of which must be reimbursed by the parent.

Lunches are charged at £7.50 per session.

A lunch box guidance information sheet is available on request.

Snack time

We have a snack table in the morning and the afternoon.  Children are given a variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, dips and a carbohydrate.  They can have milk and water to drink.  We make a charge of £1.50 per week to cover the costs.

Settling in Period

When a place is offered to you, your child will be offered a complementary session for one hour near to his/her start date.  This will allow your child to become accustomed to their new surroundings. The manager and the teachers will all help to ensure that your child settles with ease and confidence.

Recording Progress

We use ‘My Montessori Child’ to record progress according to the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Montessori principals.  This record of your child’s time at Kia Mena covers the seven areas of learning and development.  Parents are given a unique login after their child starts at Kia Mena to enable to view their child's progress on-line.  The profile will be passed on to your child’s school when he/she leaves Kia Mena.


All accidents are recorded on your child’s page on My Montessori Child, which the parent/carer needs to sign.  All of our teachers are first aid trained.   A Parent or an Emergency Name will be contacted for more serious incidents.   

We will inform OFSTED of any major serious incidents


All clothing must be named.  We cannot take responsibility for any unnamed clothes.

All children are expected to wear the Kia Mena uniform.  Uniform and book bags are available on request. Sweatshirts cost £12.00, Cardigans are £12.50, Polo shirts cost £9.00 and T-shirts cost £8.00.  Book bags cost £7.00.  One jumper, polo shirt and book bag will be added to the invoice for the first term’s fees at a cost of £28.00.

Outdoor Wear

Please could all outdoor wear including coats, hats, gloves and wellies etc be named.

Lost Property

Our lost property box is kept in the outdoor play area. All items of lost property are dated and kept for 2 weeks before being disposed of.

Summer Club

Our extremely popular annual Summer Club takes place during the summer holidays. It is a play-based scheme, open to all including friends and siblings aged between 2 years and 7 years, with different themes each day. Numbers are limited and operate on a first-come first-served basis.  Dates and bookings for Summer Club open in during the summer term and will be emailed to parents as soon as they become available.


Birthdays are celebrated at the pre-school.  Candles are lit and the children sing ‘Happy Birthday’ and play the Montessori birthday game. Due to allergies and the preferences of other parents, we would be grateful if sweets and cake are not brought in for other children.


All visitors must sign in.

Mobile Phones

The use of mobile phones is discouraged on pre-school property.  Please do not take photos.

Alarm System

The pre-school has a ring alarm system to keep the premises secure when it is empty. This includes two motion sensitive cameras that are only in use when the pre-school is closed and the alarm is set.

No Smoking

There is a strict no smoking policy at the pre-school.  Please ensure that nobody smokes in the vicinity of the pre-school building. This includes electronic cigarettes and vapes.

Parking and the Cricket Pitch

Please only use the main entrance and exit to the sports club and park courteously and sensibly in the car park, being aware of reserved and disabled spaces. When crossing the field, please walk around the edge close to the tennis courts. The unmade road up to the pre-school must not be used.


Pushchairs may be left in the enclosed area to the left of the main gate. For the children's safety, please ensure that pushchairs are folded and all personal belongings are removed before you leave them.   

Information we hold about you and your child

At Kia Mena we have procedures in place for the recording and sharing of information and data about you and your child that is compliant with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulations (2018) as follows:

The data that we collect is:-

1.Processed fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject (you and your family).

2.Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed for other purposes incompatible with those purposes.

3.Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which data is processed.

4.Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.

5.Kept in a form that permits identification of data subjects [you and your family] for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data is processed.

6.Processed in a way that ensures appropriate security of the personal data including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures.

When your child is offered a place at Kia Mena Montessori Pre School, we will provide you with a privacy notice that gives you further details of how we fulfil our obligations with regard to your data.

Complaints Procedure

It is important to both the pre-school and parents that any complaint is taken seriously and dealt with fairly and in a way that respects confidentiality.

A parent who is uneasy about any aspect of our provision should, in the first instance, talk over any worries and anxieties with the manager.  If this does not have a satisfactory outcome within a couple of weeks, or if the problem recurs, the parent should then put the concerns or complaint in writing to the manager and the owner.  A meeting will then be arranged.  Both the parents and manager are entitled to have a friend or partner present if required.  A written record of the discussion will be made. We have a duty to notify complainants of the outcome of any investigation within 28 days of having received the written complaint.

If the matter is still not resolved to the parent’s satisfaction, a subsequent meeting will be arranged and a mediator will be present.  In some circumstances, it may be necessary to bring in the registering body.


Complaints can also be made to OFSTED as follows:


OFSTED Complaints, Investigations and Enforcement Team

Piccadilly Gate

Store Street

Manchester M1 2WD


Tel: 0300 123 4666



March 2024




Limited spaces are still available this term.  We are taking applications from January 2025 onwards.

Please click here to see our virtual view round -

To make an appointment to view the pre-school or for further information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on 020 8658 9009.

My Montessori Child - Kia Mena