My Montessori Child

My Montessori Child - Kia Mena  


My Montessori Child is a new educational technology for nursery and reception classes who follow the Montessori Method. It enables teachers to record live observations of children’s activities and integrates those observations with statutory reporting frameworks and teaching plans.

The system also facilitates parent-teacher collaboration in furthering a child’s progress. The ultimate beneficiaries of the system are the children, for several reasons: Teachers spend less time on record-keeping, giving them more face-to-face time with the children, and teachers are given deeper and more comprehensive insights into how to support each child’s unique learning journey.

In addition, parents are shown how to offer complementary learning opportunities to the children when they’re at home.

My Montessori Child is delivered as cloud-computing on multiple platforms, rather than as a standalone application. It is now in widespread use in schools across England and Wales, and increasingly in the USA and Europe.